Fresh is Best® Salsa & Company has stayed close to their roots in producing fresh products from quality ingredients. The ingredients are easy to read and recognize, and those who have tried their products easily become loyal fans. Products include salsas, specialty dips, tortilla chips and taco shells, sauces and seasonings. You really can ‘taste the difference freshness makes’!
In my time working with Lisa and Colin, owners of Fresh is Best, I have come to appreciate their warmth and commitment to their products and team. We have collaborated to produce packaging, displays and print materials that showcase the fresh ingredients and mouthwatering flavours.

Scope of Work
Product Mockups
In-Store Displays
Shipping Containers
Product Sell-Sheets
Social Media and Digital Graphics
Fresh is Best Design Projects

Chip Packaging

Taco Shell Packaging

Specialty Dip Packaging

Point of Sale


Sell Sheets